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Birth Mother Adoption Stories

Below are a few thoughts shared with us from different birth mothers. To read more stories from birth mothers, please visit our blog under “Libby’s Corner.”

“I hadn’t really decided upon adoption

…when I came to Adoption Makes Family. I was nervous. But then I met the couple who were hoping to adopt and they seemed very sincere. After I met them, I knew I would be giving a blessing to a family who couldn’t conceive.”
Denise, Birth Parent now pursuing her degree in counseling

“I was five months into my pregnancy when

…I decided the best thing I could do for my baby was to let him be adopted. I got the Yellow Pages and started calling adoption agencies. I kept getting recorded messages and it was in the middle of the day. After getting the fourth or fifth message, I told myself I was going to use the first adoption agency that had a live person answer the phone. It took several more calls and by the time I reached Adoption Makes Family, I was ready to pull my hair out.

When I did reach Adoption Makes Family, they were so comforting.

Talking with them took all my anxiety away. They talked to me about my options. They assured me that everything was going to be OK and they stayed in touch with me after the adoption was completed.”
Laura, Birth Parent

“I met the adoptive parents several times

…before the baby was born and we became very close. They gave me an album with their life story…how they met, what their life was like together. They were in the delivery room when I gave birth. They are wonderful parents. I couldn’t have asked for better parents. They answered my prayers and I answered theirs.”
Melanie, Birth Parent

Adoption Makes Family is for the adoptive family as well, providing adoption services to a family choosing to embark on their own adoption journey. Adoption Makes Family is located just north of Baltimore, Maryland, serving birth parents throughout the state and adoptive families across the country.
10635 York Road
Adoption Makes Family was founded to meet the needs of birth parents and adoptive parents in a manner that is sensitive, compassionate, and personal. We are a non-profit (501-C3), licensed adoption agency based in Maryland. Our highly trained staff is prepared to meet the needs of birth parents and adoptive parents, as well as children in need of a loving home.
10635 York Road